Project Tracking Tab
The Project Tracking tab allows for assessment of the financial health of each project, comparing budgeted to actual performance, as well as costs, billings, and earned value for project-to-date and estimated at completion.
Percentages by Period chart
Each metric is labeled on the graph.
You can hover over the lines to view what they indicate.
What's on the chart
Line | Color | Description | Value derived from |
JTD Planned | Dashed Gray |
This is the value of Planned Labor from inception to the current date. |
Team Tab |
Billed Fee or Labor | Gray | Labor billed to date |
Labor Budget tab |
JTD+ETC Labor | Red |
Displays EAC (estimate at complete) values for each item. If an EAC column field appears in pink, it means that the value in that field (fee, profit, etc). is being negatively impacted by the progression of the project compared to what was available at the initial budget. |
Team Tab (Billed or Cost) |