Options Text Tab
Use the Options Text tab to modify values used in the Billing module in Project Analyzer. The Project Analyzer Billing module is used to foster communication between the accounting department and the project manager. This occurs through monthly project reviews where the project manager reports percent complete values by phase for the work and billing. These reports are used to drive the Project Tracking module in Project Analyzer and to monitor the schedule and project progress.
Billing Flags are used in the Billing tab in Project Analyzer when a monthly report causes an exception to the expected billing pace. The title of each item is displayed in Project Analyzer for the condition described in the corresponding description.
You can only edit the Title of the billing flag.
The Agreement Status list is displayed as a menu option in the Contract / Fee tab in Project Analyzer for each contract amount. It is also displayed on the Non-Reimb Consultants tab for each consultant budget. You can add to, edit, or delete from the existing list to accommodate your needs. Use the Order column to set the order in which the items will be displayed in the menu.
Used in conjunction with Approval Status permissions, which are set on the Security tab in the Configuration Manager, the Approval Status controls the ability of users to change the status of project items in Project Analyzer. The status determines if the user can edit data in the project data grids in Project Analyzer.
The Approval Status list is used with Schedule Status, Plan Status, and Budget Status in Project Analyzer. You can add custom statuses, then set the level to Default, Active, Approved or Locked.
- Default - This value shows which status is currently being used. Only one state at a time can be the default.
- Active - Use this value to mark which values appear in status drop down lists throughout Project Analyzer.
- Approved - Use this status for reporting purposes throughout Project Analyzer. This is used with the Locked status to prevent unauthorized users from removing an item from an Approved status.
- Locked - Use this value to prevent unauthorized users from changing a status.
In Project Analyzer, Fee Probabilities are used as menu choices on the Contract / Fee tab for Opportunities. Each entry is associated with a decimal value representing a portion of the overall probability. A user is able to check off the items in the list for each fee amount to establish a base probability for the project. For example; your firm may choose to associate a good relationship with a client as contributing 5% to the probability that you can win the job and perhaps add 25% if a highly successful interview takes place. Selecting these two options will generate a base probability of 30%.
The intent of this function is to provide guidance to the leadership and work towards some level of uniformity in estimating probabilities.
This tool is only a guide and can be overridden or not used at all. Both the Text and the Value can be edited.
The Values total should exceed 1.0 (100%) as selecting them all would produce a probability in excess of 100%.
Fee Types are used as menu choices in the Contract / Fees, Non-Reimb Consultants, and Reimb Consultants tabs in Project Analyzer. The purpose is to allow the project manager to identify the basis or type of fee being entered into the budget.
Use the Hourly column to designate types that are generally hourly in nature. This setting restricts the list of types for the items selected to the default hourly fee type elsewhere in the Project Analyzer. The order value will set the order in which the types are displayed in the menu.