Detailed Task Planning dialog box

The Detailed Task Planningdialog box helps project managers assign resources to a specific task during a specific time frame.

The icon appears in the Details column when detailed assignment planning is entered for an assignment.

How to access this dialog box

  • From the Tasks tab, click in the Details column for the task that needs to be modified.
  • From the Tasks tab, select the record for the task that needs to be modified. Right-click anywhere on the row and select Detailed Task Planning.


The Filters section lets project managers select the parameters used to filter the information displayed in the Detailed Planning Worksheet section of the dialog box.

Field Description

The phase of the project for which the project manager wants to make detailed assignments. By default, the phase from the selected record on the Tasks tab is displayed.

Discipline The discipline for which the project manager wants to make detailed assignments. By default, all disciplines associated with the selected phase are displayed.
Phase Dates The start and end dates assigned to the selected phase.
Planning Period The start and end dates assigned to planning for the current phase. Depending upon configuration, there may or may not be float allowed for assignments.
Task Select a task to assign time for. Only tasks whose phase matches the phase selected in the Phase drop-down will appear.

Detailed Planning Worksheet

Use this section of the dialog box to assign employees and hours per week to the selected task.


Column Description
Assignment The employee to which you want to assign time on the task. One employee can be selected per row.
Hours The total number of hours assigned to the employee for the selected task. This field is calculated based on the number of weekly task hours entered.
Generic Hours The number of hours for the task not assigned to a specific employee. The initial value comes from the Tasks tab.
Cost The cost of the selected employee completing the number of hours designated for the task. This field is calculated based on the number of weekly task hours assigned.
Week Columns

A column is created for each week of the phase as determined on the Schedule tab. Enter the number of hours the employee is assigned to the task in each week's column as needed.

You can use standard Windows copy and paste commands (CTRL+C, CTRL+V) to copy values in the grid. Click to export the current data grid to Excel.