Working with the Data Entry Grid

The data entry grid is used throughout Project Analyzer and provides the core functionality for how data is entered, displayed, grouped, sorted, filtered, and summed up.

Note: The grid is similar to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet allowing interaction in individual cells where some cells are calculated values.

Field Chooser

  1. Click the button in the upper left corner of the grid to open the Field Chooser dialog box.
  2. Select the check-box for a field to add it to the data grid.

Tip: To hide a field, de-select the check-box.

Data Grouping

In many tabs available on Project Analyzer, you can group data rows.

Sort | Multi-Select Filtering | Column Pinning

The icons at the top of each column allow for control of what data appears in the grid and in what order.


The row along the bottom of the grid is used to display the summations of row values. These summary calculations are pre-built into Project Analyzer.