Financial Projections: Labor Budget Projections Tab
The Labor Budget Projections tab uses data from the Labor Budget tab in combination with the project schedule to help project managers determine how many FTEs they can afford for a project based on the available fees and project schedule. Using the filtering, sorting and grouping options available on the tab, this information can be viewed from multiple perspectives, including project, office, discipline or across the firm.
Data grid
Following is a list of fields available in the data grid. All fields are read-only.
Data can be grouped, filtered and sorted using the column headers. This allows project managers to quickly view the available information from different perspectives.
Active / Opportunity
Indicates whether the effort is an active project (regular, promotional or overhead) or an opportunity.
Project Number
The project number.
Project Name
The project name.
The office associated with the project phase.
The project client. Values are imported from the accounting system.
Project Manager
The project manager for the phase
Phase Name
The phase name.
Phase Starts
The start date for the phase from the Schedule tab.
Phase Ends
The end date for the phase from the Schedule tab.
The probability that the project will occur. Regular, Promotional and Overhead projects are 100% probable while Opportunities will generally have a probability of less than 100%.
The discipline associated with the phase. The Labor Budget Projections tab displays one row for each combination of phase and discipline on a project.
Budget (hours)
Displays the total hours budgeted for the phase for the selected discipline from the Labor Budget tab.
Budget (dollars)
Displays the total dollars budgeted for the phase for the selected discipline from the Labor Budget tab.
The total number of billing periods spanned by the phase.
The billing period Start Cut-Off and End Cut-Off dates are configured on the General Settings tab in System Configuration.
The percent complete of the time for the phase. Calculated by dividing the number of elapsed months in the phase by the total number of months in the phase. The start and end date of each month is determined by the billing cut-off dates.
The number of billing periods remaining for the phase.
Monthly Columns
Monthly columns display projected labor budget going forward two years in FTEs.
FTEs values are shown to two decimal points.
Additional Fields
The field chooser contains additional columns which may be added to the grid. For the Labor Budget Projections tab these columns are:
For information on the options available in the toolbar, please refer to Financial Projections: Toolbar.
To access this tab
Click Projections from the Reporting section of the ribbon bar Home tab, then click the Labor BudgetProjections tab.