Financial Projections: Billing Projections Tab
The Billing Projections tab summarizes the billing forecasts entered on the Billing tab by project to project billings for the firm for the next 12 months.
The Billing Projections tab uses the Billing End Cut-Off date, configured on the System Configuration General Settings tab, to determine which months to display. For example, if the Billing End Cut-Off date is set to the 5th of the month, the May billing period would appear from 5/5 through 6/4.
Data grid
Following is a list of fields available in the data grid. All fields are read-only.
Data can be grouped, filtered and sorted using the column headers. This allows project managers to quickly view the available information from different perspectives.
Active / Opportunity
Indicates whether the effort is an active project (regular, promotional or overhead) or an opportunity.
The scenario value set for the opportunity phase. This value is set by the project manager using the Scenario option in the Financial Projections toolbar.
The Scenario value only applies to opportunities.
The office associated with the project phase.
The project client. Values are imported from the accounting system.
Client Type
The client type. Values are imported from the accounting system.
Project Number
The project number.
This value is obtained directly from WBS fields in your accounting system.
Project Name
The project name.
Project Type
The project type. Values are imported from the accounting system.
Phase Name
The phase name.
Budget (dollars)
The budget (in dollars) assigned to the phase. This value comes from the Fee column on the Billing tab.
The total amount of billing posted for an identified fee or labor (hourly) billing in the accounting system. This value comes from the Prior Billed column on the Billing tab.
The remaining unbilled amount for the phase. This value comes from the Future Projections column on the Billing tab.
The probability that the project will occur. Regular, Promotional and Overhead projects are 100% probable while Opportunities will generally have a probability of less than 100%.
Monthly Columns
Monthly columns display projected billing going forward two years.
This column identifies which phases have been reviewed in the current billing cycle. as entered in the Reviewed column on the Billing tab.
The current billing process status as entered in the Status column on the Billing tab.
Name of the user who selected the Reviewed checkbox as it appears on the Billing tab.
Additional Fields
The field chooser contains additional columns which may be added to the grid. For the Billing Projections tab these columns are:
%.The percent of the fee as part of the overall contract amount as it appears on the Billing tab.
Billing Ends. The last day of work that will be billed as part of this phase as entered in the Invoice End field on the Billing tab.
Billing Starts. The first day of work that will be billed as part of this phase as entered in the Invoice Start field on the Billing tab.
Charge Type. The charge type for the effort. Options include Regular, Promotional and Overhead projects and Opportunities.
Client Project Number. The client project number. This value can be entered by the project manager for opportunities on the Business Development tab. Values for other effort types are imported from the accounting system.
Company. The company assigned to the project.
Complete. Displays as a percentage the amount of the total fee for the phase that is expected to be billed by the end of the current billing cycle. It is a cumulative value that includes prior billing for the phase. This value comes from the Complete column on the Billingtab.
Flag. May contain additional information about the billing for this phase (such as Incomplete Billing or Credit Applied). This information comes from the Flag column on the Billing tab.
Group. The group assigned to the phase. Values are imported from the accounting system.
Next Estimate. The next month's estimated billing amount, shown as a percentage of the total fee for the phase that is expected to be billed by the end of the next billing cycle. This value comes from the Projected column on the Billing tab.
Period. The fiscal period for the budget detail item.
Principal in Charge. The principal in charge assigned to the project.
Project Manager. The project manager assigned to the project.
Projection for: <current month>. The amount projected to be billed for the current billing cycle as set on the Billing tab.
Seq. The billing sequence, which is defined in the accounting system.
WBS3. This value is obtained directly from WBS fields in your accounting system.
For information on the options available in the toolbar, please refer to Financial Projections: Toolbar.
To access this tab
Click Projections from the Reporting section of the ribbon bar Home tab, then click the Billing Projections tab.