Reset User Settings with .bat File
Perform the following steps to reset the user settings using the ResetUserSettings.bat file. This option is intended to perform a forced reset of user settings for a user who is unable to open Project Analyzer to reset the user settings via the User Settings dialog box.
To reset the User Settings using the ResetUserSettings.bat file
Open the Newforma Project Analyzer update package for the appropriate release. The ResetUserSettings.bat file is included.
Copy the ResetUserSettings.bat file to the client PC where the problem is occurring.
Open the ResetUserSettings.bat file in an editor.
In the top line "set US_DIR=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Newforma, Inc\Project Analyzer\UISettings-<version number>", enter the appropriate version number in the version number location.
Save and close the ResetUserSettings.bat file.
Double-click the file to run it. When the message appears, click any key to continue.
Close the command window when complete.